JCI Belgium National Convention

6 oktober 2023
7 oktober 2023

JCI Brussel and JCI THOE are pleased to invite you to our National Convention, which will be held from 6 to 8 October 2023 in Brussels.This year’s convention theme is Great history, better future. Leading by investing.
Friday 6th of October you can get acquainted during our opening party, which doubles as the 50th anniversary celebration of JCI Brussel.
Saturday 7th of October 2023 the official General Assemblies will take place to keep all members informed and connected, but of course there is more to the program: interesting speakers, exciting workshops, tours, visits and cozy networking events. This convention will provide valuable opportunities for personal and professional development, as well as a chance to connect with other members from across the country.
More info: www.jci.be/ncn2023/
We look forward to seeing you at the convention, stay tuned for further updates!

JCI Brussel
6 oktober 2023
- 7 oktober 2023
26 september 2024

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Matched, by JCI Belgium

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Uzien - Deerlijk
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Open Vormingsdag 2024

De Hoorn, Leuven
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Kadetjesplein - Hasselt
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Landgoed De Campagne (Drongen)
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